Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Places where I live

So I was fooling around with Google Earth the other day, trying to find the HEC campus, which took a lot of time (Google really should do something about indexing cities and making the earth searchable). So here goes, this is the building I stay in at HEC.

Yes, the lake and football field and forests around do belong to the school...
While I'm at it, here's my Prague crib:-) (my school is just south of me, the white building, close eh?)

and our good ol' house in Dolna Micina in Slovakia (you can even see the white "sun-shield" we have put on our terrace that summer; also check out the gypsy colony just north of us:)

P.S. Here are Google Earth shortcuts to those 3 places:
HEC | Prague | Banska Bystrica

the links might not work due to stupid hosting, in which case try

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