Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Getting up was a pain, again. The fisrts course, Management Tools and Social Behaviour, was first of all long (as all the courses, 3 hours) but could be interesting. Seems like we'll be doing a lot of assignments though. The other course in the afternoon was Energy and Finance, taught by some high ranking Deloitte guy who is a key figure in the GDF/Suez merger (for those of you who follow these things). He is really into energy, maybe too much. E.g. he is in love with coal and argues that it'll be the energy source of choice in the near future. At least he understands what he's talking about. I'm a little worried about the finance part, but at least I'll have challenge in front of me. Speaking of challenges, I was assigned to a Business Project with EDS in Finance, so it seems I'll be doing more finance stuff than I ever wanted. Oh well, maybe in the end I'll be happy this happened, who knows...

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