Monday, March 13, 2006

Another week

Lets see, what did I do this weekend. Nothing really. Saturday we went to Versailles to have dinner. Sunday morning I woke up early to go to Paris (the far east of it) to pick up my suit that Zolo sent by bus from Prague. It was almost 2 hours late, and waiting at the station in freezing weather in a dodgy neighborhood wasn't all that fun. But in the end, I got the suit so I'm happy.
I was extremely tired this morning (think I'm catching a cold), so the cancellation of the morning class was great news. Lunch, Energy&Finance class, shopping (I took Cathrin's car:), arsing around (another Irish expression) with Tom, and here I am writing this post.
Kat is asking me if I'm going to the Zinc for a drink...bye 

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