Saturday, March 11, 2006


So the EDS business project seems like a sweet deal. Their offices are in La Defense, which is nice. They are the second biggest IT consultancy after IBM. Which is nice as well. It also seems like the job that we were assigned will not involve too much finacial crap, which I like. Plus, the person responsible for our team in the company is young and easygoing. The only "bad" thing is that we have to dress up all the time, so I had to buy an emergency suit for the forst meeting. Zolo is trying to send me my real suit, if that goes well then Bob's my uncle (an Irish expression meaning everything's fine:)

In other news, there was another Thursday party. First we (all 60 cems people) went to a restaurant, where we had open wine bar and pizza. We had to play some sort of a traditional drinking game...I for example had to drink a bottle of rose bottom-up. Then I woke up covered in mud and with bruises on my hands again. Mud and blood, it's beginning to be a routine Friday morning:-)

Nothing else worth mentioning happend. We have to finish (i.e. start) a paper that is due on Monday, and I should look into some things I've been putting off fopr the last 2 weeks. Like working on my bachelor thesis and such:-)

Hope you're all doing well and not working too hard...8-)

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