Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Campagne BDE cont.

So its Tuesday now and I can report on the two last days of the campaign. To sum it up, there are 3 groups of students competing to hold the student office post next year. They all spend incredible amounts of money for it...
So what's happening actually? The Batzet (study building) is completely transformed, loud music all the time, people dancing, the whole place is decorated with the colors of the 3 "listes" (groups of students). There's air hockey, PS2 stations, a CounterStrike setup (5 computers networked), a Formula 1 racing machine, a place to get your hair cut by people from L'Oreal, Indian billiard/pool, all kinds of other games, a casino, free food (subway sandwiches, pizza, cookies, cakes, chips, chocolate, cereal, salads, fruit, chocolate fondue...) and drinks (soft and energy). Outside there are 3 food stands, they make hotdogs, sandwiches, barbepapa (cukrova vata, don't know the name in English), pasta, salads, toasts. There is a pizza oven and guys from a pizza place bake it fresh right there. Did I mention loud music is everywhere? Close to that is a human fussball/calcetto playground (you strap yourself to a pole and try to play football haha lots of fun), an inflatable castle for jumping around, an inflatable rodeo, an inflatable wall with a trampoline that you jump off of in a velcro suit and stick to a velcro wall (FUN!!!), a laser game/quasar or whatever u call it (people running around with "laser" guns shooting each other). Right in front of me in the parking lot there is big attraction that I told u about I believe, right next to it is a BIG trampoline...

The restaurant doesn't serve dinner, instead the students make it. There's free wine and a show they put on. Last night there was a boxing ring with girls in bikinis and guys dressed as boxers, there were competitions like tug-of-war (my hands are still burned:) or football tricks or whatever...Whenever the host shouted: "Cussons les (someone)", those people had to chug their wine (e.g. all the 3yr students or all the foreigners or everybody). If they said "Pichons les...", they had to down the whole pitcher of wine...Oh yeah and there's the hotline that I already talked about, that is absolutely great! I've just ordered strawberries and breakfast for the morning;-) Let's not forget the soirees, there's one every night, free entry for HEC people, free alcohol, many stages w different kinds of music...I went to bed at 6am, and had a skill seminar all day yesterday and today, it was horrible (the seminar was very interesting actually, but I was absolutely exhausted). Tomorrow I have a free day, we're going carting in the afternoon, niiiice!

But don't get the idea that I'm just partying. There's more and more work to do. There was the skill seminar, the core course is more demanding every week, and the language exams are near as well, not to mention the business project...

Aaaah who am I kidding, I have fun most of the time;-)

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