Sunday, April 23, 2006


Im back in Jouy on the campus, its a real ghost-town. Everyone is gone, there are only a handful of people. The weather is great though and it is much greener here then when i left. Also, the food is much MUCH better, maybe because they don't have to cook for so many people;-)
Prague was awesome, sunny and warm after Tom and Pirmin left (bad timing guys:), I enjoyed being a tourist for a change.
The trip back wasn't too horrible, but 15 hours on a bus and then hauling my huge backpack plus a smaller one from Galieni to Jouy was painfull!!! And it was hot too:-(

This morning I picked Tom(as) and Mylene up from the "lively" train station in Joy-in-Jesus (as Tom calls it now;), I borrowed Pirmin's car. They are staying for 1 night, Mylene is flying home tomorow...

Nothing else worth mentioning happened, except that I will (hopefully) get a French cell nr on Monday. Finally!!!

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