Sunday, April 30, 2006

Long weekend

I'm sure you've all been dying to hear from me! Have no fears, I'm back in the blogosphere! (I've grown very modest here;-)

We got the results from the oral part of the language exams the day after it took place. My prediction came true, I got a C1, meaning that I

"Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing
controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices."

Oh well, don't know what went wrong, I believe I should have gotten a C2, but after having learned how other people did, I don't care anymore. There were several guys who spoke really painful French and got a C1, so I have my doubts about the integrity of the examination.
In other news, there was the obligatory party on Thursday. It was much better than expected, they actually played normal music instead of the 7 stupid-house hits they usually loop.
I've spent Friday enjoying the sunshine. Went biking, there are nice trails in the forests around here!
Yesterday I went to Paris with Tom and his girlfriend who is visiting for the weekend. We walked around the statue of liberty area, I took some pictures with my nearly repaired camera...I was supposed to meet a friend from Prague and go out, but I had nowhere to sleep so I had to turn her down and go back to Jouy. Came here around midnight and found the campus overrun by Czech people. Actually there were about 15 of them, but the campus is deserted this weekend so it seemed they were everywhere. I heard a Richard Muller song played on a guitar as I was walking towards my apartment, very unexpected;-) Long story short, I partied with them quite long, so I missed breakfast this morning:-(

Tomorrow the campus restaurant will be closed, I have to find out how to feed myself since the supermarket is closed on Sundays...drat!

And on Monday, we're having a picnic (pique-nique:) by the lake on campus,niiiice!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oral exam over

It wasn't hard. There were 2 parts to it: a presentation of a case study and group discussion. The presentation didn't go as well as I would have liked, I got stuck for a second or two...(I blame it on the incredible heat and stuffy air in the room:)
The discussion was better, I was the chair of the group so it all went well, excellent even...
I guess I can say goodbye to the best mark, but then again I can take it one more time in no worries. It's beautiful outside, I'm going to try and borrow a bike from someone...

Monday, April 24, 2006

It's my nameday;-)

And I didn't know until I read my mail this morning, lots of people remembered, THANKS! I bought myself a present, 2.1. speakers...they're cheap but they do the trick, I feel a lot more at home in my room now (although I'm not sure my neighbors are as excited;-)!
I spent the day with Tomas (Lauko) after seeing his girlfriend off to the airport (I forgot how far CDG is!!) was a nice laid back day, we had some croques and coffee in the Quartier Latin, enjoyed the sunshine by the Seine while catching up on what's going on in our lives, it was great to see him again.

like brothas
Oral English exam tomorrow, I gotta go check out some guidelines about how they want us to present. I'm not stressed, well maybe a little because I don't want to get a lower than best grade just because of failing to meet some stupid formal requirement:-/
Good night everyone and thanks for remembering my nameday, I would have completely forgotten otherwise :-D

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Im back in Jouy on the campus, its a real ghost-town. Everyone is gone, there are only a handful of people. The weather is great though and it is much greener here then when i left. Also, the food is much MUCH better, maybe because they don't have to cook for so many people;-)
Prague was awesome, sunny and warm after Tom and Pirmin left (bad timing guys:), I enjoyed being a tourist for a change.
The trip back wasn't too horrible, but 15 hours on a bus and then hauling my huge backpack plus a smaller one from Galieni to Jouy was painfull!!! And it was hot too:-(

This morning I picked Tom(as) and Mylene up from the "lively" train station in Joy-in-Jesus (as Tom calls it now;), I borrowed Pirmin's car. They are staying for 1 night, Mylene is flying home tomorow...

Nothing else worth mentioning happened, except that I will (hopefully) get a French cell nr on Monday. Finally!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm back...

Its been some time since I posted anything so I'll be brief (I can't remember every detail;-)
Last week was filled with school work. For the "Management Instruments and Social Behavior" course we had a visiting professor from LSE, Michael Barzelay, who held two all-day sessions in a row on the subject. It was more demanding than normal, but also more interesting. Now that I mention it, I remembered our group has to turn in a paper on the subject soon...crap. In EDS, we have finished preparing our questionnaires and worked on a strategy to get through to the people we need to talk to in banks (to pass the secretary firewall;-)
The weather is finally starting to behave like it was spring, so hopefully when I return to Paris (did I mention I'm in Prague now?), the trees will be blooming and everything...

Weekend was fun, Tom and Pirmin came to Prague with me, I showed them around, did all the touristy things to do...
Yesterday Edo and I went to RadostFX, wawaweewah, I forgot how good looking czech/slovak girls are!

Now I'm working on my bachelor's thesis, I couldn't do it at home (that's why I didn't go, although I'd LOVE to!!!!) and here I have access to stuff I need...

I'll be back in Paris Saturday afternoon (I'm taking a bus, I'm outta money), spend the rest of the weekend with Tomas and Mylene, and then hooray, CEMS language exams!!!

That's about it for now, howgh

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bateau Mouche

...I forgot to post about the little trip we (CEMS) had in Paris on Sunday Apr. 2nd. Basically it was a boat ride on the Seine, really touristy but the weather turned out nice so it wasnt too bad. I finally saw the original statue of liberty as well, another "must-see" off of my list...Later on we went to have crepes in a nice place around Montparnasse...
That's about it, it was a nice day....

Friday, April 07, 2006


blood &mud ...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

...last day of campaigning

i just got back from the last soiree. I was hungry so I ordered a panini from the hotline. I got it in 2 minutes, along with a pizza, some pasta and a goodnight song from 5 girls with a guitar!!!!! It's gonna be tough to get used to not having this luxury every day!!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Campagne BDE cont.

So its Tuesday now and I can report on the two last days of the campaign. To sum it up, there are 3 groups of students competing to hold the student office post next year. They all spend incredible amounts of money for it...
So what's happening actually? The Batzet (study building) is completely transformed, loud music all the time, people dancing, the whole place is decorated with the colors of the 3 "listes" (groups of students). There's air hockey, PS2 stations, a CounterStrike setup (5 computers networked), a Formula 1 racing machine, a place to get your hair cut by people from L'Oreal, Indian billiard/pool, all kinds of other games, a casino, free food (subway sandwiches, pizza, cookies, cakes, chips, chocolate, cereal, salads, fruit, chocolate fondue...) and drinks (soft and energy). Outside there are 3 food stands, they make hotdogs, sandwiches, barbepapa (cukrova vata, don't know the name in English), pasta, salads, toasts. There is a pizza oven and guys from a pizza place bake it fresh right there. Did I mention loud music is everywhere? Close to that is a human fussball/calcetto playground (you strap yourself to a pole and try to play football haha lots of fun), an inflatable castle for jumping around, an inflatable rodeo, an inflatable wall with a trampoline that you jump off of in a velcro suit and stick to a velcro wall (FUN!!!), a laser game/quasar or whatever u call it (people running around with "laser" guns shooting each other). Right in front of me in the parking lot there is big attraction that I told u about I believe, right next to it is a BIG trampoline...

The restaurant doesn't serve dinner, instead the students make it. There's free wine and a show they put on. Last night there was a boxing ring with girls in bikinis and guys dressed as boxers, there were competitions like tug-of-war (my hands are still burned:) or football tricks or whatever...Whenever the host shouted: "Cussons les (someone)", those people had to chug their wine (e.g. all the 3yr students or all the foreigners or everybody). If they said "Pichons les...", they had to down the whole pitcher of wine...Oh yeah and there's the hotline that I already talked about, that is absolutely great! I've just ordered strawberries and breakfast for the morning;-) Let's not forget the soirees, there's one every night, free entry for HEC people, free alcohol, many stages w different kinds of music...I went to bed at 6am, and had a skill seminar all day yesterday and today, it was horrible (the seminar was very interesting actually, but I was absolutely exhausted). Tomorrow I have a free day, we're going carting in the afternoon, niiiice!

But don't get the idea that I'm just partying. There's more and more work to do. There was the skill seminar, the core course is more demanding every week, and the language exams are near as well, not to mention the business project...

Aaaah who am I kidding, I have fun most of the time;-)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Campagne BDE!!!!!!!

This is crazy! The BDE campaign has started tonight, the hotline is working from 22:00 till 4:00am and will be working all week long. I have ordered about 10 panini's, 10 pizzas, fruit salads, normal salads, a massage, a game of bowling, couple of DVD's, drinks, posters, performances, perfume...all for free, its crazy!!!!

P.S. I have ordered breakfast into my room right now, niiiiice!!!!!