Thursday, May 25, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Bordeaux: Revisited
Let me say that TGV rules! I was in Bordeaux in 3 hours. And it wasn't even going top-speed all the way. By car it would take 5h:31mins and cost more than 83EUR. This way I paid 70 for a return ticket. When are they going to build something like that between Prague and Banska Bystrica? I'm afraid we'll having flying cars and cold fusion, if not teleports, before that happens...
So anyway, I enjoyed my stay in Bordeaux a lot. The first day we just chilled, ate home-made sushi and talked and talked. Friday was natural-park time, the weather turned out alright. We've also paid a little visit to Arcachon, a small town on the coast, but it was deserted as it was quite cold. Canard for dinner, kudos to Zuzka for excellent cooking! Saturday was lazy day as it rained, so we just slept in, had a great breakfast and lunch, exchanged movies and around 4 we wet out to have a walk in Bordeaux before seeing the Da Vinci Code. Befroe I say that the movie was dissapointing, I'll have to say that I like Bordeaux a lot. It is small, but not too small, it has a distinct atmosphere and is just overall very enjoyable. Did I mention that the movie sucked? I did, good. Moving on.
Sunday, last day. Beautiful weather, not a cloud in the sky and very very warm. Figures. Too bad it wasn't so nice all the time, we planned on going to Biarritz among other things...Oh well, at least I have a reason extra to visit again.
It was awesome catching up with Emil and Zuzka again, we had a great time (I did at least), great food and great talks. I really needed to get out of campus, I started to feel imprisoned here.
Monday bloody monday, had 6 hours of class, back to the routine (haha, I just thought of a great line from Scrubs: J.D.: "...nightly routine: Pleasure myself, weep and repeat"; great show by the way, random humor at its best)
So anyway, I enjoyed my stay in Bordeaux a lot. The first day we just chilled, ate home-made sushi and talked and talked. Friday was natural-park time, the weather turned out alright. We've also paid a little visit to Arcachon, a small town on the coast, but it was deserted as it was quite cold. Canard for dinner, kudos to Zuzka for excellent cooking! Saturday was lazy day as it rained, so we just slept in, had a great breakfast and lunch, exchanged movies and around 4 we wet out to have a walk in Bordeaux before seeing the Da Vinci Code. Befroe I say that the movie was dissapointing, I'll have to say that I like Bordeaux a lot. It is small, but not too small, it has a distinct atmosphere and is just overall very enjoyable. Did I mention that the movie sucked? I did, good. Moving on.
Sunday, last day. Beautiful weather, not a cloud in the sky and very very warm. Figures. Too bad it wasn't so nice all the time, we planned on going to Biarritz among other things...Oh well, at least I have a reason extra to visit again.
It was awesome catching up with Emil and Zuzka again, we had a great time (I did at least), great food and great talks. I really needed to get out of campus, I started to feel imprisoned here.
Monday bloody monday, had 6 hours of class, back to the routine (haha, I just thought of a great line from Scrubs: J.D.: "...nightly routine: Pleasure myself, weep and repeat"; great show by the way, random humor at its best)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Back among the living
I'm feeling much better today, I knew it was nothing a couple of blankets, a good 12-hour sleep and two shots of Becherovka wouldn't fix;-)
I'm sick of something else though, the business project. I'm beginning to hate it. It seems to me that we are not doing anything really helpful to the company, that we're just used to raise awareness among students about its existence. Right now I'm translating into French a paper that I did for the company last week. Apparently our self-proclaimed team leader thinks they can't handle English, which wouldn't be a problem if he'd told me in the beginning so I wouldn't have to do it all over again. Translating is a pain, even into English. French uses different syntax and everything, I'm really struggling with the 15 pages here. And it was supposed to be done yesterday.
Can't wait to go to Bordeaux! The TGV leaves from Montparnasse at noon, so I'll have to leave here at 10 since there are some works on the rails, meaning the otherwise very punctual trains will run late. I'll be in Gare St. Jean at !5:25...planning on spending lots of time on the beach and having great wine and food (DIE! restaurant universitaire, I'm sick of you)
Ok, enough with this ranting n raving, back to translating...
I'm sick of something else though, the business project. I'm beginning to hate it. It seems to me that we are not doing anything really helpful to the company, that we're just used to raise awareness among students about its existence. Right now I'm translating into French a paper that I did for the company last week. Apparently our self-proclaimed team leader thinks they can't handle English, which wouldn't be a problem if he'd told me in the beginning so I wouldn't have to do it all over again. Translating is a pain, even into English. French uses different syntax and everything, I'm really struggling with the 15 pages here. And it was supposed to be done yesterday.
Can't wait to go to Bordeaux! The TGV leaves from Montparnasse at noon, so I'll have to leave here at 10 since there are some works on the rails, meaning the otherwise very punctual trains will run late. I'll be in Gare St. Jean at !5:25...planning on spending lots of time on the beach and having great wine and food (DIE! restaurant universitaire, I'm sick of you)
Ok, enough with this ranting n raving, back to translating...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I was repairing the link to Nakli's blog and thought I'd include this penguin...Sorry for the waste of bandwith, lol 8-)
Monday, May 15, 2006

I woke up on Sunday feeling weird. At first I thought it was just muscle ache from working out the day before (yes, i went to the gym:), but later I realized I was having a fever. So here I am still sick, trying to get better. I don't feel too bad, just tired...
My "Network Economy" class started today, I went to check it out despite my sickness. I t seems to be interesting, there's quite a bit of math though, and the Danish teacher's English is funny. He talks like the Dutch, only worse.m "Hello, my name ish Mich Tvede, I will be your teasher for thish courshe...";-)
In other news, the "Mercuriales" started, which is a European business-school sports competition. About 400 foreigners invaded the campus, competing during the day, partying at night. It will last till Friday...
I have also received my vote-by-mail papers, I'll send my vote tomorrow (general elections in Slovakia).
That's about it for now, have a good one everyone...
Friday, May 12, 2006
hey, check this out:, you can create your own radio station with the music you like, it searches for similar rythms, instruments, samples etc to offer music u quite high quality...and it plays in your browser...sweet!

It's the BOOM tonight! Biiiiig party! Used to be even bigger back in the day, they had groups like Led Zeppelin over...Now its a bit smaller I guess, but they're still awaiting 3000 to 4000 people to show up. We're having a picnic by the lake before, since the bar won't be open this time;-) Happy time8-)
Mission impossible : 9 mois de négociations avec l’administration, 37 versions du powerpoint de présentation, 436 entreprises démarchées, un budget plus gros que celui du WEI, 1342 heures de sommeil manquées, 2.5 tonnes de moquette, 5.8 kilomètres de vélums...
Après tous ces efforts acharnés, les BDE Pulp it up et Guerill’Eros réinstaurent le BOOM au BATZET !!!
Votre mission, si vous l’acceptez, est de vous réapproprier ces lieux qui furent jadis les vôtres, avec un cocktail à la main au son des Wampas et de la techno, et si vous ne tenez plus sur vos deux jambes, notre espace lounge vous ouvrira ses portes...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Title goes here
The first interview for our business project was with the director of "banque de detail" of Caisse d'Epargne. It was quite a disappointment, we dressed up and dragged our asses all over to the east side of Paris just to hear very general stuff, no concrete things. We didn't come back before 9, meaning that I almost entirely missed a great picnic down by the lake. It was quite fun, lots of people, they were grilling chicken (I have to show them how to do that, it was terribly burnt;-) and eating and drinking loads, there was even a brass band.
Waking up after the obligatory party, we had another interview, this time with director of strategy for the biggest French bank, Credit Agricole. This one went a lot better. The guy was extremely nice (maybe because he was an HEC alumni), gave us lots of info...we took two hours of his time!
Then it was time to meet Nakli at Montparnasse, enjoy the sunshine a bit and go back to the campus on time to have dinner. We watched Scrubs afterwards in the MBA building till 2 p.m.
I had to work on Saturday so Nakli went to Paris alone. I was preparing for a presentation for the director of EDS that we have on wednesday. I joined Nakli at 11 at Chatelet and we went straight to a party HEC was organising near Cambronne in the 15th. Domenico was there as well, it was great to see him again!
He left at around 2, Nakli and I stayed until 5.
There was a crazy saxophone improvisator, a weird sight but very enjoyable;-)
We walked back to Domenico's place - it took us an hour to get to the Grande Arche. But it was cool to see Paris without any traffic or people, the Eiffel tower completely deserted, Trocadero empty, the boulevards empty...
Waking up at 11 on Sunday, we bought breakfast at an outside market (fresh baguettes,camembert,fruit,coffee), ate it and went to visit some museums. The first one was Marmotan, where they have a big collection of Monet among other things. We thought it would be free since it was the first Sunday in the month (all the museums are free), but this one was a private museum, so we had to pay. It was well worth it though. Afterwards we just walked around, profiting from the beautiful weather. We wanted to see Musee de Rodin, but we decided to visit the Eiffel tower instead. For 3EUR, we walked to the second floor. We wanted to go the 3rd floor, but the line was enormous, a 45 minute wait at least. So we did the natural thing: as people were getting out of the elevator that brought them down from the 3rd floor, we quickly stepped in before the cabin filled up with people entering from the other side of the elevator.
"We forgot our cameras up there!" was enough to convince the elevator-lady not to throw us out. She didn't even check the ticket, which we didn't have of course;-)... The view was amazing, it was a nice and sunny day...
By the time we were done, it was already time to head back. We came back 1 minute before the student restaurant closed. We were extremely hungry, so we ate like pigs. It's easy here, for 2.87 u get 4 courses...:-) Other than hungry, we were tired and we stank like hell, so after the necessary shower we watched some movies and had some beer before going to bed.
And here I am today. Nakli left in the morning, he's already in Lyon. I'm working on my Energy&Finance assignment. Back to work again.
the video might not work in Internet Exploder, again, you can download it here. It's in .3gp format
Waking up after the obligatory party, we had another interview, this time with director of strategy for the biggest French bank, Credit Agricole. This one went a lot better. The guy was extremely nice (maybe because he was an HEC alumni), gave us lots of info...we took two hours of his time!
Then it was time to meet Nakli at Montparnasse, enjoy the sunshine a bit and go back to the campus on time to have dinner. We watched Scrubs afterwards in the MBA building till 2 p.m.
I had to work on Saturday so Nakli went to Paris alone. I was preparing for a presentation for the director of EDS that we have on wednesday. I joined Nakli at 11 at Chatelet and we went straight to a party HEC was organising near Cambronne in the 15th. Domenico was there as well, it was great to see him again!

There was a crazy saxophone improvisator, a weird sight but very enjoyable;-)
We walked back to Domenico's place - it took us an hour to get to the Grande Arche. But it was cool to see Paris without any traffic or people, the Eiffel tower completely deserted, Trocadero empty, the boulevards empty...
Waking up at 11 on Sunday, we bought breakfast at an outside market (fresh baguettes,camembert,fruit,coffee), ate it and went to visit some museums. The first one was Marmotan, where they have a big collection of Monet among other things. We thought it would be free since it was the first Sunday in the month (all the museums are free), but this one was a private museum, so we had to pay. It was well worth it though. Afterwards we just walked around, profiting from the beautiful weather. We wanted to see Musee de Rodin, but we decided to visit the Eiffel tower instead. For 3EUR, we walked to the second floor. We wanted to go the 3rd floor, but the line was enormous, a 45 minute wait at least. So we did the natural thing: as people were getting out of the elevator that brought them down from the 3rd floor, we quickly stepped in before the cabin filled up with people entering from the other side of the elevator.

By the time we were done, it was already time to head back. We came back 1 minute before the student restaurant closed. We were extremely hungry, so we ate like pigs. It's easy here, for 2.87 u get 4 courses...:-) Other than hungry, we were tired and we stank like hell, so after the necessary shower we watched some movies and had some beer before going to bed.
And here I am today. Nakli left in the morning, he's already in Lyon. I'm working on my Energy&Finance assignment. Back to work again.
the video might not work in Internet Exploder, again, you can download it here. It's in .3gp format
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Paris metro
they were playing Vivaldi so well that everyone stopped to listen, making it impossible to get in or out.
the video might not work in Internet Exploder, you can download it here
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Times are changing
It is beautiful outside! It is very difficult to force myself to work. Like now, I'm posting this instead of preparing for tomorrow's interview for the business project. And we have another one on Friday. It's all starting to come down like an avalanche: interviews, exams, project, bachelor's thesis...I guess it's time to work seriously now.
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