Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Shiny People

Last week(s?) have been great. We had a barbecue by the lake on Friday. On Saturday I went to Cyrilles's housefor another barbecue. It was awesome. He has a mediterranean style house in the suburbs, huge garden, pool...We drank fresh caipirinha, grilled great meat, watched the world cup, fooled around in the pool, ate some more...great day, it was very warm, and as always, getting out of campus is a treat in itself.
Oh, last week I passed two exams - Energy and Finance and Network Economy. They weren't too difficult, epsecially the former one as it was open book;-) We had yet another presentation on wednesday in EDS, it was alright but there was low turnout so it kinda missed the point. That is why they cancelled this week's final presentation, yeeeeehaaaaaaaw8-)
I just got back from my last exam, Management Instruments and Social Behaviour. I have no idea how I will be evaluated, the questions were quite general...but I'm sure I wrote enough to pass, especially since the test accounts for only 30% of the grade.
Now it's party time!!! Actually I need to pack stuff first, take care of a lot of paperwork etc...and then its party time!!!
As I said, last weeks were beautiful, sunny, warm...horrible weather to be sick. Yeah I am sick again, I can't bring myself to take it easy so it keeps coming back.
I'm going back to Prague on Friday, I don't know how though. Carpool hopefully;-)
K, i'm gonna end my random rants here, got a lot of things to do.
have a good 1

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