1. Ingredients: Tomatoes, zucchini, white yoghurt, corn, green olives and pasta.

2. Boiled water with a bit of oil and salt
3. While it boiled, I have let the corn thaw in the microwave and cut the veggies (I like bigger chunks:)

4. After 10 minutes the pasta was ready. Took them out and cooled them with cold water. Supposedly it prevetns them from sticking to each other...

5. Then I mixed the pasta with a little bit of the youghurt and a lot of basil (forgot to mention that withthe ingredients:)

6. Added vegies and voilá!

It tasted better than it looked...
Note: I admit I was quite bored :-)
Later I went to meet Zaba, Matus and Ivan, they were rock-climbing on Petrin...I'll post some pictures later...
Update: No takze cestoviny sa vraj nemaju prelievať...(Link)
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