This came from a friend of mine:
People now i write to you and i want to cry to shout and every cell
of my body is revolting and aches.... i feel now such a great pain
for my country 1 month ago everything was perfect but not now. People
i am so grateful for your support believe me it is very important for
us to know that Europe supports us. Today i will go with nearly
thousand of studants of my city to meeting. because our new president
is a real criminal. he was in prison for two times and two times was
judjed. 1- he fucked(with few guys) with force a 14 years old girl,
kicked people in the streets when he was yound and stole their bags
and for stealing in especially big scale. People only revolution can
save our country because all the government is incostitutional all
the western ukraine supporst Ushenko he is a good guy and Yanukovich
(that criminal) he almostly killed Ushenko some months ago and now
the face of Ushenko is ugly.. everybody is very afraid cause the
decans of universitis say that those students who go to meetings will
be ejected from u-versities. TV is almostly bougth by Yanukovich and
shows us black PR no info. if you hear that thousands many thousands
of people go to streets in support of democracy and Ushenko know that
it is true!!!!!!!!!! I took part in them in my city!!! now we have
only 2 chanalls who shows us the true. soon they will be closed.
So.... i don`t know what to add. U even can`t imagine what happens in
our city the people of Yanukovich make big businessmen to sell their
business for little money who does not want to is killed. I want to
cry sorry but it is the sound of my heart..
Perhaps u can advise us something cause our demonstrations don`t have
any sense!!!